Sustainable electric mobility in Cluj-Napoca, within the EMOBICITY project

Between 6-7 October 2021, the best practice visit was held in Cluj-Napoca within the EMOBICITY project — “Increase of energy efficiency by Electric Mobility in the CITY”, organised by the North-West Regional Development Agency, partner in the project.

The EMOBICITY project is financed by the Territorial Cooperation Programme, Interreg Europe 2014-2020 and has a total budget of EUR 1,071.804.00, of which the North-West RDA budget is EUR 162 374.00.

On the first day, two presentations were held, on the themes „Replacement of the urban public transport fleet in Cluj-Napoca through the purchase of trolleybuses and electric buses” — presentation by Mr. Dan Sebastian, of the Cluj-Napoca Public Transport Company (CTP) and „E-mobility in SUMP (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan) Cluj-Napoca 2021-202”, by Mr. Reinhold Stadler, CIVITTA expert. Both presentations were highly appreciated by the participants who asked several questions to the 2 speakers.

Next, the agenda provided for a trip to the Trolleybus Depo in Cluj-Napoca, where the first electric bus made in Romania was presented to the participants. The electric bus in question is manufactured in Baia Mare, by the local company ATP Group and has a total of 83 seats, with optional partitioning solutions up to 90 seats. There are 26 seating positions and the current autonomy is 200 kilometres, with the possibility to extend up to 360 kilometres. Named by the manufacturer UpCity, the bus has three doors and low floors, according to European standards, to allow access for elderly and disabled people. The bus is a prototype, included, between 22 September and 6 October 2021, in a test program by the Cluj-Napoca Public Transport Company.

Finally, the visit was carried out at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, where several research projects were presented to the participants on studies about battery recycling, on the future of electric mobility, on combustion cells, and were presented  two fast charging stations for electric vehicles.

The next day was dedicated to Discussions / Conclusions, Wrap up of discussions and next steps.

This event was attended by partners from Greece, Croatia, Germany and Portugal.

As a partner, the North-West RDA will continue to implement the activities foreseen by this project, and in the next period will:

• Hold the fifth meeting of the Regional Representatives Committee (December 2021);

• Develop press articles on the events of the project;

• Start activities for the development of the regional action plan, etc.

More information about the project can be found by clicking on the following link: 


EMOBICITY seeks to improve low-carbon economy policies, so as to facilitate the take up of electric mobility at a national and regional level. 6 EU Partners, 5 action plans, 1 goal: Integration…