Va asteptam la cel mai mare eveniment de inovare din 2017, la atelierul nostru de Finantari inovative!

Va asteptam la cel mai mare eveniment de inovare din 2017, The International Conference on Open Innovation 2.0, la atelierul nostru de Finantari inovative!

Workshopul va avea loc in data de 13 iunie, de la ora 15,30, asa cum il aveti in agenda evenimentului OI 2.0, re-atasata acestui email. Noi vom incerca sa va prezentam o colectie de instrumente inovative de finantare, pentru ideile dvs inovative de business, si anume: Fondul European de Investitii Strategice, PREIMM, NEPTUNE, BISNET, fonduri private de investitii, etc. Acestea sunt instrumente care tind sa sprijine dezvoltarea mediului privat si a firmelor inovative in completarea sau in lipsa granturilor.

OI2 DRAFT Programme 2017, 30 May 2017


The International Conference on Open Innovation 2.0 was established 4 years ago and it has been held in Ireland, Finland and The Netherlands. The OI2 Conference has been attended by innovation experts, policy-makers, academic scholars, practitioners and individuals who are engaged in various aspects of innovation and entrepreneurship.

The fifth edition of the Open Innovation 2.0 Conference conference will take place in the picturesque city of Cluj-Napoca in the heart of the Romanian Transylvania region (13th -14th June 2017). The city is an IT and ICT hub with 11 Universities and several innovation and technology parks.
As usual, the high-level event on OI2 will be co-organised by different stakeholders – public and private bodies. By far, the co-organisers are the European Commission’s Directorate-General CONNECT in the shape of the Open Innovation Strategy and Policy Group (OISPG); the European Committee of the Regions; Municipality of Cluj-Napoca; The Innovation Value Institute; ARIES Transylvania, MasterCard, the Innovation Value Institute and kindly supported by Dublin City Council.